Sunday, January 17, 2010

Working on deadlines...

So, I am busily composing a piece that has to be ready by the 31st of this month. It's at times like these that I wish I could survive solely off of my music. Receive compensation for all this time I put into my craft. I compose almost 16 hours a day - only to break for food, restroom, and sleep. My partner, at times, has to pry me away from my work to hang out with friends or go out to eat/watch a movie/shop. On my online forum, I am a reviewer - so I break at times to review works by other composers. I have top profile views on the forum itself and two of my works are in the top 5 on the site's music storage network (12 short pieces for piano is #1 in views and my Symphony no 1 is #5 in views). All this attention I receive on the site makes me wonder, does anybody really care about my music besides myself? Obviously, I have a silent fan base on the forum BUT who are they? Do they read my blog? Do they anxiously await a new work by me? I would give the world to know who loves my music and who frowns upon it. As I get this work composed at breakneck speed for what I hope will be a performance this year... I must know, does anybody really care?

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