Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Overcoming Obstacles

Life has been a bit difficult for me the past week or so. Situations around me are changing - but surprisingly one thing has remained that I am devotedly working on: my music. The brass preludes are being added to - rather slowly BUT the work and results are good. I am now composing feverishly from the moment I awake till the moment I'm ready for bed - so much music to compose. My output has slowed as I work meticulously over each and every bar - making sure each note is perfect within my ideal of the piece itself. My eyes, despite the change in living situation, is still focused on my hopeful career as a composer. My good news is that I am now collaborating with a DJ from the east coast - assisting him in composing his tracks. The results of this venture would be immense for my career and would *hopefully* provide me the capital necessary to continue to compose full time. On the classical front, I am sending off the Preludes this Friday! This will meet the deadline for the opportunity in which they were composed. My favorite of the set of 6 is the fifth. This work is quite personal in sound and touch as it utilizes, I think, the brass quite well. I'll post a link to the works once the full set is finished.

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